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Tanner Wolfe

Swimming to Cambodia

Updated: Jun 28, 2024

The show name was Secret Worlds. It aired on the Travel Channel for a blink of an eye. However, they sent me to Cambodia, Guatemala, Belize, India, Israel and Jordan before it was all over. The team sent from Los Angeles was a camerman, producer and of course the host; all others were hired in country. These were physically challenging shoots because the locations were always far from civilization. This was different. A lovely little hotel was a short drive from the ruins in Angkor Wat. Regardless, I'd have done it for free.

Michael Arbuthnot, the host, an archaeologist and a really interesting guy. Good company.

Inside Angkor Wat

So much rain.

I thought I looked cool in this hat. Also featured is one of Sony's HDV cameras. A transition to the wonderful cameras we have now. I spent a great deal of time pouring over the menus because one of the functions had to be turned off to actually be on. Like Major Major in Catch-22. He only sees people in the office when he isn't in the office.

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