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Filmmaker . Photographer

Tanner Wolfe is a cinematographer.  He began his career as a photographer working in the studio and freelancing for the Associated Press.


Tanner is a graduate of the American Film Institute.  Here he studied cinematography under the guidance of Stephen Lighthill, ASC and Bill Dill, ASC.  While at the A.F.I. he had the opportunity to attend seminars and workshops by seminal artists, such as Emmanuel Lubezki, ASC (The Revenant, Gravity) Robert Richardson, ASC (The Aviator, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) Janusz Kaminski, ASC (Ready Player One, Catch Me If You Can,) and many others. 


Equally gifted whether shooting film or HD Tanner has shot many documentaries and narrative films since his time at the AFI.  These projects have taken him to such places as Morocco, Guatemala, Cambodia, Israel, Iraq and India.

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