We made a series of short films for a fascinating company by the name of Port Logistics Group. There business model is very interesting as they save other businesses the headache of having a warehouse and delivering the products to theirs stores. PLG does all of that. For this project we shot at the Port of Los Angeles and New York. You can view one of the films we made here.
This was a lo-fi shoot, so no money spent on a Chapman dolly.
For the Port of Los Angeles portion of the shoot I was able to pack all of the camera package into one piece. For anyone who doesn't live in LA, the traffic is unimagineably bad. Any chance I can take to get on my bike and split lanes, I'll take it.
We shot with the RED Camera and a mix of Canon and Hasselblad lenses. This is a blurry photo, but it shows the beautiful bokeh created by the Hasselblad lenses.